Thursday, November 19, 2015

the story of my life

you know life is such a funny thing...
most of us reaching the end of our lives regret the moment we didn't speak up...
we didn't say i love you
we should have said m sorry
there is a time for silence, there is a time for waiting your turn
but if you know how you feel and you so clearly know what you need to say
yo know it!
i don't think you should wait
i think you should speak now!
Taylor Swift
these are some of my favorite line and have been following them since the very beginning. let that be regarding anything! from complimenting strangers to talking about your crush just everything! holding yourself behind is just no me. if you know it you feel it you say it! if you don't know it just accept it and work upon it. but there are moments when you feel people should understand it on your own... why is it every time you need to be told what upsets me ? what went wrong? especially if you know a person for a longer period of time you expect him or her to know you well and understand but what to do when even words fail?
as a person i personally feel i overthink, i over trust and i over expect from people which at the end of the day ends in disappointment. but on the other side i definitely a truthful, possessive and caring. i believe in 2 things appreciation and advice. but criticism and judgement cannot be tolerated by me! i hate it when people say 'you don't even know this much!?' and leave things hanging up in the air. what is this even!? is it 26+1 alphabet or an essential gene coding which everyone should know!? and if you are so interest then enlighten me! i would love to hear something new but appreciate those efforts cause may be in might world this has no significance m doing it just for you!
let time spent together not be all about the effort cause there comes a time when people can take no more of it! when long senseless talks turn shorter ignorance comes in power laughter turns into silence, here comes the need of a break...a break from soaking in, a break from self pity. a break when you feel the enthusiasm, the passion missing! trust me it's never the end. the THE END concept is found only in movie and books we always question what after the prince kissed and the sleeping beauty spell was broken? how did they marry? what did he tell his parents? i just found this doll in the woods! the story never ends there!
the good thing about wounds is they heal with time and they leave scars for you to remember the bad days we lived. scars might look bad to others but we know they taught us a lot of things which we wouldn't have learned unless we experience them. frictional stories especially love stories often misguide us. the together forever doesn't exist! never think of a person to be there on every step with you! even your own parents don't stay till the end! it was all meant to be read and learn from it but we end up expecting it in real life which will always lead to disappointment. may be so people say there is a difference between real life and reel life!

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