Saturday, December 26, 2015

Letter to the unknown...

I don't even know u Nd may be never will...dat really doesn't matter m just happy that you are the luck one whom he...cherish him...he might appear or pretend macho but within he still is a silly child! 6years of friendship Nd 3years of relation I know it's a long duration but may be time doesn't matters...I still lost him we had some of the best memories please rewrite them with yours... Don't give him any reason to look back coz it's just gonna break him love his mom more than him she deserves the best! Nd bring uncle back soon coz long distance relation sucks u won't know it now but when college gets over u will! Nimish is one of the coolest and a fast forward kid! He will come up to you with all his life problems plz guide him in the right way coz he won't share some stuff with dk...he respects him a lot Nd doesn't bothers him generally! Last but not the least mau urf Manali Hire is one of the best ladies you will ever meet! She will be there for you when ever you need her! Be the same! She is a sweetheart <3 :="" a="" all="" also="" as="" best="" but="" care="" ex="" friend...take="" friend="" good="" his="" how="" idk="" m="" me="" my="" not="" of="" once="" only="" saying="" span="" take="" talking="" this="" time="" to="" upon="" way="" will="" you="">

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Parental issues!

"Dad why don't you drink?" was my sudden question when my dad was busy showing me some whatsapp messages. take a moment and ask yourself can you ask this to your parents ? (of course only if they don't drink!) well being an outspoken kid my questions seem normal to them now! my dad wasn't much shock by my question but it left my mum smiling and her reply was "people are generally happy when they find out he doesn't drinks! what is wrong with you?" frankly my dad is the most honest and genuine person, he said "its not that i have never tried its just that i didn't like and i used to stay at a place where i have seen people in my locality getting drunk and being stupid so may be it never amused me that much!"
you might call me a spoiled kid but i won't lie i do drink occasionally. m not a drunk yard i know my limits i know its effects so m fine with it and so are my parents! a third person opinion never mattered to me! i remember i had my first drink during our Goa trip of 2009 which too was brought by my dad. Goa trip is never complete without a cashew wine! ya its true my parents have been one of the coolest people. from hosting a farewell party for 48 class 7th kids to helping me in planning trips they have always been there. People see our bonding but we never talk about it in fact we never get emotional before each other we crack some silly joke or a stupid comment and ignore it! and a true fact is they will never praise me!
last year after a family wedding we were at one of mum's childhood friend's place with aunty and her family. their house is one of the most cleverly built houses i have ever seen! let that be the terrace gym for fresh cool air with altitude theme, the projector room or 'Devghar'! and yeah they very well knew how to show that off! then they can to the kids section. the Indian parent in them started speaking "Oh, our kid plays casio. come on beta play for them!" they don't end up here then they up with others kid "so what do u do?" my cousin is good at her place and my aunt is too is if you know what i mean!
the war of kids had begun! all this time my parents and i were smiling nodding and only approving fact. when people notice you enjoying the game they expect you to play with them! suddenly everyone was more interested in knowing 'whats special about me?' when my parents were asked this they just smiled and said "she is good." obviously they weren't satisfied with the answer so the question was directly asked to me! i shyly smiled and said"nothing..m just doing my engineering" i too could have blabbered about stuff but was too bored. for them it was awkward my be cause they never met people like us! at last to break this awkwardness my aunt spoke up ya she is good at sketching etc even our kid is... then again the unsaid battle continued about whose kid is the best!
before going my uncle said said to me"this year was tough for you because of jaundice now work hard make us all proud!" everyone smiled.
later on in cab we three were silent. slowly we started talking about the architecture of the place to the boring time we spent. suddenly dad said "we trust you, you gonna be great its just that we don't think there is a need to bluff about it people will themselves see and know it very well."
i always knew my parents were different but that day i realized how lucky i was to be their kid!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Any last wishes ?

yeah its true i don't like being with people of my age simple reason its boring! it mostly ends up with bitching about people and at the end my mind says *food on the way and F.R.I.E.N.D.S would have been a better option right?*
with elders enjoy the lessons of life with lots of love and caring for you. i remember once Pawar Sir told me during PTM (parents teachers meeting) "your life will never be enough for you, for all that you wanna do! learn from others experiences." frankly i never took it seriously but unknowingly i applied it at an early age! it goes the other way round with younger people. you find them fun and of course who does like to be the boss!? you get to tell them the bitter truth that you have learn, share experiences and its always fun to soak in a new point of view!
currently i stay in a working women hostel ie m the kiddo here! i mostly hangout with seniors ie people of age 23-26 who have just completed their masters and now are tackling with new jobs. yesterday when i was helping one of them to get ready for her D-DAY (you know what i mean right?) we started chit chatting about health care and stuff. zumba in trend cause yeah it really works! there is no better feeling than body ache that you get after a dedicated workout and yeah its better than gym where as natural body toning is concern(PS:m not promoting anything just stating the fact but whatever) then i told her about the upcoming guitar class and yeah i so wanna join it! at last i could feel my life going ahead twinkle-twinkle, happy birthday and a raw pani da track! suddenly i found her lost in thoughts and she blabbered i always wanted to learn an instrument and get some vocal training i have no idea when am i gonna do it! i suggested to do it now but yeah i know her current schedule so its hard to fit in something new but yeah sat-sun could be her! she gave me the reason of resting! before i could convince her the other one said yeah i too have a last wish of learning dance from a professional so that i get an outbreak through it! its my last wish...after vacations m so gonna do it!
i was a bit happy for the little positivity in the air (she keeps on saying a lot of stuff so i don't trust her frankly speaking!) but the last wish thing stuck me really hard! i mean they are just 25 and are talking about last wishes! yeah they gonna get married with the next 2 years their further life depends on how their husband will be bla bla bla
m 19 and my mind asked me a simple straight forward Q *do you wanna end up the same way?* there was a reflex reply from with in NO! until now i have learned people cannot read your mind they change with time, things do not turn up the way you expected them life is completely unpredictable! you never know what tomorrow has for you its better to stand up take charge of your own life and do what ever you wanna do so that tomorrow when i reach their age i won't be regreting and talking about last wishes rather i would happily share my experiences and thinking about doing a bit more...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

the story of my life

you know life is such a funny thing...
most of us reaching the end of our lives regret the moment we didn't speak up...
we didn't say i love you
we should have said m sorry
there is a time for silence, there is a time for waiting your turn
but if you know how you feel and you so clearly know what you need to say
yo know it!
i don't think you should wait
i think you should speak now!
Taylor Swift
these are some of my favorite line and have been following them since the very beginning. let that be regarding anything! from complimenting strangers to talking about your crush just everything! holding yourself behind is just no me. if you know it you feel it you say it! if you don't know it just accept it and work upon it. but there are moments when you feel people should understand it on your own... why is it every time you need to be told what upsets me ? what went wrong? especially if you know a person for a longer period of time you expect him or her to know you well and understand but what to do when even words fail?
as a person i personally feel i overthink, i over trust and i over expect from people which at the end of the day ends in disappointment. but on the other side i definitely a truthful, possessive and caring. i believe in 2 things appreciation and advice. but criticism and judgement cannot be tolerated by me! i hate it when people say 'you don't even know this much!?' and leave things hanging up in the air. what is this even!? is it 26+1 alphabet or an essential gene coding which everyone should know!? and if you are so interest then enlighten me! i would love to hear something new but appreciate those efforts cause may be in might world this has no significance m doing it just for you!
let time spent together not be all about the effort cause there comes a time when people can take no more of it! when long senseless talks turn shorter ignorance comes in power laughter turns into silence, here comes the need of a break...a break from soaking in, a break from self pity. a break when you feel the enthusiasm, the passion missing! trust me it's never the end. the THE END concept is found only in movie and books we always question what after the prince kissed and the sleeping beauty spell was broken? how did they marry? what did he tell his parents? i just found this doll in the woods! the story never ends there!
the good thing about wounds is they heal with time and they leave scars for you to remember the bad days we lived. scars might look bad to others but we know they taught us a lot of things which we wouldn't have learned unless we experience them. frictional stories especially love stories often misguide us. the together forever doesn't exist! never think of a person to be there on every step with you! even your own parents don't stay till the end! it was all meant to be read and learn from it but we end up expecting it in real life which will always lead to disappointment. may be so people say there is a difference between real life and reel life!