Monday, August 18, 2014

That’s the DIFFERENCE!

Writer! I wanted to be one when I was in school! Now a days there is so much to write but when time permits it feels great to sit down with your laptop and just let it flow…but when you look back, peep in the past, watch the present and think of the future it’s better to highlight the CHANGES before they go unnoticed.
‘Men and women are equal in today’s world.’ Something like this was wrote in my civics textbook. If I am not wrong the last time I studied civics was in school! Definitely I was a small kid with a small brain! I completely was against this line! Some questions popped up in my mind ‘if we are equal why do we have different uniforms!? Why do we use different toilets!? Some girls have a ‘boy cut’ but why dint some boys have a ‘girl cut’!?’ all these doubts stayed the same until we had sex study. Then I actually understood the little creature that made us different was called SPERM who turned us xx or xy rather a pair of mammary glands or a pair of testicles with a penis! That’s the physical and biological difference!
All this stuff grew wilder when ‘rape cases’ started becoming POPULAR. The most surprising thing was the victim was a female always! I know I might sound stupid here but why not men? I mean no seriously why is it every movie I watch it’s just a bunch of men harassing a beautiful women? Why not a bunch of women doing so!? Have this made people think in one direction? I would term rape as ‘unwilling sex’. Doesn’t it happens with men!? As per science urge for sex is 10times more in women. Then rape cases in men should be more isn’t it? But it doesn’t seems so! It’s always a women victim! The only reason that comes to my mind is men are worst at sex all they do is give pain physically as well as emotionally. I guess I am right and that’s the truth!
I remember while a GD on career one of friends pointed out a women in mechanical engineering will end up with desk work whereas men of her field will have field work. Why is it so!? Because she is weak since she bleeds 5days a month!? Or she is cleanliness loving as compared to men!? Whatever might be the reason but the truth is she is 10times mentally stronger and a good decision maker as compared to men. They will never understand this unless and until they experience this!
A boy in his underwear before his mom will not be that awkward you might give a reason that for a mother her kid will always be a kid but a girl in her bra before her dad…ahem ahem I guess you got my point all I got to say is THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE!

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