Thursday, November 13, 2014

Selfish people out here!

Being an engineering student I would say the use of this phrase is directly proportional to year! I.e. as years pass by this phase is more extensively used out here! And whereas staying with other people is concern you will more often come across it! Well it certainly starts with different people have different priorities and in initial phase people try to adjust but as time passes by thing get tougher to work with!
Before people preferred join families and relationships were above all! (Surprisingly! Even when men and women were unequal! And a women is always empowered when is promoted from wife to mother-in-law but more on that later!) Now a day’s career, money is given more importance staying away from the family for the family bla bla bla. Though the positive side is people come to know their importance! But the main thing is between all this we come across different people from different societies, culture, and background! Let’s take my life for example. I was born in Mumbai (one of my favorite cities indeed) later on we moved to a small town for a dream house in between nature and which meant I had to stay away from home for further education and stuff! It’s nothing that I am damn serious about my career or something! It’s just that m chasing my dream working in lab! Late night work and stuff! Well it’s just a dream still! Anyways the thing is upto date I have stayed with many people! Let that be paying guest, roomies or hostel. And every time I ended up using this phase!
First time I opted for paying guest! Seriously! How can you stay with people around trying to penetrate in your life! Oh yeah you don’t know something about personal space! With aunties always hanging around and keeping an eye on you! Are you jobless? Well that people with penetrating thing is for example an orthodox and unorthodox cannot stay together for long! Anyways even if you ignore it some day or the other it gets on your nerves! And when people around you are not at all sporty weekend tend to be damn boring! Trust me! You feel like getting out of everything! And don’t get me started on the surrounding! When jerks stay around either you wanna kill them or keep distance! Well I kept my distance and went off!
Roomies!!! Sounds fun!! Friends forever!!! Owe your my best friend! We will stay together forever!! Trust me people who come closer near you actually carry the sign board ‘KEEP DISTANCE-DANGER AHEAD!’ never ever fall in their trap! You will not only regret this but will also lose a friend! It’s fun until you party together hangouts and stuff but if it’s always you paying the bill! That not done right? And when people always use your things it’s NOT CALLED SHARING! It’s all bearable until your roomie is the most unclean dirty crap of this world! (Even when you have a boyfriend)
PS: keep your bed however you want! I don’t care but if you dance on my bed with dirty legs trust me I am killing you within! And I love sleeping with books, soft toys and guitar and you have no right to tag it! Because it’s completely mine!
Then came my hostel life back! J Yeah! I have been a host elite in my school life! So was pretty excited until I came to know that my roommate was an old lady! Nah... Generation gap actually! Which made me always call her aunty! So I preferred mam or teacher since she actually was by profession. I always kept in mind Pawar sir’s words “our life is not enough for us so we better learn from our elder’s experience” but she turned it into “elders love taunting you and will use you as a child labor!”
I changed back to a cute ACTING little girl! Trust me when I highlighted the word I meant it and it was true! Surprisingly I can to know about it too late! But that time I had mastered the art of ignoring. Stare at you when you dress up as if some black magic going on in your mind, give out cheap comments which make you kick their butts in your head, taking advantage and being mean to other people even though it’s not of you concern! It really feels helpless when you cannot do anything! All you have to do is concentrate on your work and let people around you continue to be mean! May be one day they would realize! Who cares! I might have moved ahead till that time and may never ever look back! Well now it’s my time to be selfish!
Dedicated to the mot selfish girl I have ever met!
Since I am not full filled removing all my angry out here I will help you recognize her!
1.       Caring at start but as soon as she comes to know you are useless will no longer care even if you are dead!
2.       Always concerned about her stuff even when she could save both boats!
3.       Miser forever!
4.       You will be in her friend list only if you are good looking, wealthy or topper (IIT or IIM will work!)
5.       Will always demand things. (Poor boyfriend I must say!)
Five points are enough I guess! J
Now you know the secret behind my calm and tolerant nature! J
I feel good now!

Oh crap I must say! ‘SELFISH PEOPLE OUT HERE!’

Monday, August 18, 2014

That’s the DIFFERENCE!

Writer! I wanted to be one when I was in school! Now a days there is so much to write but when time permits it feels great to sit down with your laptop and just let it flow…but when you look back, peep in the past, watch the present and think of the future it’s better to highlight the CHANGES before they go unnoticed.
‘Men and women are equal in today’s world.’ Something like this was wrote in my civics textbook. If I am not wrong the last time I studied civics was in school! Definitely I was a small kid with a small brain! I completely was against this line! Some questions popped up in my mind ‘if we are equal why do we have different uniforms!? Why do we use different toilets!? Some girls have a ‘boy cut’ but why dint some boys have a ‘girl cut’!?’ all these doubts stayed the same until we had sex study. Then I actually understood the little creature that made us different was called SPERM who turned us xx or xy rather a pair of mammary glands or a pair of testicles with a penis! That’s the physical and biological difference!
All this stuff grew wilder when ‘rape cases’ started becoming POPULAR. The most surprising thing was the victim was a female always! I know I might sound stupid here but why not men? I mean no seriously why is it every movie I watch it’s just a bunch of men harassing a beautiful women? Why not a bunch of women doing so!? Have this made people think in one direction? I would term rape as ‘unwilling sex’. Doesn’t it happens with men!? As per science urge for sex is 10times more in women. Then rape cases in men should be more isn’t it? But it doesn’t seems so! It’s always a women victim! The only reason that comes to my mind is men are worst at sex all they do is give pain physically as well as emotionally. I guess I am right and that’s the truth!
I remember while a GD on career one of friends pointed out a women in mechanical engineering will end up with desk work whereas men of her field will have field work. Why is it so!? Because she is weak since she bleeds 5days a month!? Or she is cleanliness loving as compared to men!? Whatever might be the reason but the truth is she is 10times mentally stronger and a good decision maker as compared to men. They will never understand this unless and until they experience this!
A boy in his underwear before his mom will not be that awkward you might give a reason that for a mother her kid will always be a kid but a girl in her bra before her dad…ahem ahem I guess you got my point all I got to say is THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Career or carrier of life…


Writer! I wanted to be one when I was in school! Now a days there is so much to write but when time permits it feels great to sit down with your laptop and just let it flow…but when you look back, peep in the past, watch the present and think of the future it’s better to highlight the CHANGES before they go unnoticed.

I could have easily names this article RACE OF SPERMS (oh! It’s not only about boys!) Or RACE OF LIFE! But just wanted to be truly myself! And I don’t take life that way! And I am lucky enough to not even have people around to pressurize me! But since I don’t stay on artic or Antarctic environment keeps on changing (there too day and night CHANGES after 6months) oh freak! There is no double why Manuj sir used to thrash me! Bloody weak geography! Climate is unpredictable out there! It changes every time! I knew this from childhood S.s.t isn’t my cup of tea! May be so from childhood I wanted to be everything from a scientist to a rock star but Member of Parliament seemed good only to my ears! You give out one good idea and people here will make you the chief minister! Well all I can say is it happens only in India! Stern faced uncle and sweet chilly like aunties are bigger enemies than Pakistan for the youth! As soon as you come home and find them there! You get a mini attack don’t you? And before you recover you are bombarded with questions like oh you look so big! Which class you are in now? What are your career plans? And answering them is even tough than facing an I.A.S interviewer! The truth is mostly they are half knowledged and then too interested in showing it off! And at the end of the topic it becomes a matter of self-respect for both the teams to prove themselves right! This topic wholesome is an onion! You still have to go through the layers of it! Is your choice of course well known and available in so called TOP COLLEGES? If no then in their mind you gonna end up being jobless! Then comes up how much will you earn? Is it really important for them to figure it out unless and until I can earn a square meal for my family? Now you must have got why I named the article this way! Oh wait! Don’t breath off! They are not yet done! This is just 50% of the complete torture! The next one starts with your exam score! Which according to them rates your mental capabilities! Trust me! In this segment even your truth ends up in an EXCUSE BOX! The best option is to nod your head to every shit to get out of every shit! After all this mess it comes to your head ‘I don’t care what people say!’ but when you stay in a society the truth is do care somewhere or the other.

This is only a square but in reality life is a 3 dimensional structure! Things get difficult when such mentality lies in our family! They are the toughest when we bound our self by narrow domestic wall! Just step aside for a moment and look around. How many are doing what they wanted to? One second what about you? Are you doing what you always wanted to? Are you enjoying what you are doing? If all these questions turn around and asked back to me! I wanna be honest purely!

I have a friend who always wanted to opt for aerospace who lived in stars and planet from childhood but just cause of few marks he couldn’t! (Surprisingly his class 10th and 12th score is 98% and 95%)! But today he is happily doing electrical engineering, editing his college magazine, member of street play bla bla bla. So what should be said? Have he learned to compromise? Or our primary and secondary education system is not so well built to make students discover themselves? May be only he can answer this!

Some of my class mates took an year off cause they felt they could do well in it but due to certain personal reasons they couldn’t. from which again some backed off and tried to satisfy themselves with their 1st attempt marks(may be cause of EXTERNAL PRESSURE). One of those some who attempted 2nd time couldn’t do well! And here his hell initiated! Even after 2 years of studies how come you get such a score? Don’t you think you wasted your father’s hard work? What are you going to do now? All this made even a strong heart weak! It lead no where but a suicide attempt. Suicide or GANG MURDER? Mental harassment.

There are very few who stand back and face the world. It’s not that they don’t care what the world will say! It’s just that they used it in the right place to ignite themselves! Just like my best friend who made me sit and write this complete article.

Frankly she has a weak heart! You don’t even need words just your harsh tone is enough to make her cry! She always wanted to be a doctor! Her complete inspiration was her elder sister. She had grown up in an environment of biology completely! A girl for whom math’s was always nightmare can you believe she had to take up engineering just cause of low grades? Nothing much different again took place! She again had those low grades! Her class 10th 96% haunted her to buck up! Things turn worst when uncles and aunties press your wounds. But those were actually fames of her torch! She stood up back and got things done her way. And as I say her patience is awarded today she is in one of the top colleges doing her degree in microbiology! And math’s no more haunts her!
Career the carrier! It’s always in your hands, you choice whether you want a pricky uncomfortable seat or a soft sofa like comfortable seat