Monday, June 30, 2014

Career or carrier of life…


Writer! I wanted to be one when I was in school! Now a days there is so much to write but when time permits it feels great to sit down with your laptop and just let it flow…but when you look back, peep in the past, watch the present and think of the future it’s better to highlight the CHANGES before they go unnoticed.

I could have easily names this article RACE OF SPERMS (oh! It’s not only about boys!) Or RACE OF LIFE! But just wanted to be truly myself! And I don’t take life that way! And I am lucky enough to not even have people around to pressurize me! But since I don’t stay on artic or Antarctic environment keeps on changing (there too day and night CHANGES after 6months) oh freak! There is no double why Manuj sir used to thrash me! Bloody weak geography! Climate is unpredictable out there! It changes every time! I knew this from childhood S.s.t isn’t my cup of tea! May be so from childhood I wanted to be everything from a scientist to a rock star but Member of Parliament seemed good only to my ears! You give out one good idea and people here will make you the chief minister! Well all I can say is it happens only in India! Stern faced uncle and sweet chilly like aunties are bigger enemies than Pakistan for the youth! As soon as you come home and find them there! You get a mini attack don’t you? And before you recover you are bombarded with questions like oh you look so big! Which class you are in now? What are your career plans? And answering them is even tough than facing an I.A.S interviewer! The truth is mostly they are half knowledged and then too interested in showing it off! And at the end of the topic it becomes a matter of self-respect for both the teams to prove themselves right! This topic wholesome is an onion! You still have to go through the layers of it! Is your choice of course well known and available in so called TOP COLLEGES? If no then in their mind you gonna end up being jobless! Then comes up how much will you earn? Is it really important for them to figure it out unless and until I can earn a square meal for my family? Now you must have got why I named the article this way! Oh wait! Don’t breath off! They are not yet done! This is just 50% of the complete torture! The next one starts with your exam score! Which according to them rates your mental capabilities! Trust me! In this segment even your truth ends up in an EXCUSE BOX! The best option is to nod your head to every shit to get out of every shit! After all this mess it comes to your head ‘I don’t care what people say!’ but when you stay in a society the truth is do care somewhere or the other.

This is only a square but in reality life is a 3 dimensional structure! Things get difficult when such mentality lies in our family! They are the toughest when we bound our self by narrow domestic wall! Just step aside for a moment and look around. How many are doing what they wanted to? One second what about you? Are you doing what you always wanted to? Are you enjoying what you are doing? If all these questions turn around and asked back to me! I wanna be honest purely!

I have a friend who always wanted to opt for aerospace who lived in stars and planet from childhood but just cause of few marks he couldn’t! (Surprisingly his class 10th and 12th score is 98% and 95%)! But today he is happily doing electrical engineering, editing his college magazine, member of street play bla bla bla. So what should be said? Have he learned to compromise? Or our primary and secondary education system is not so well built to make students discover themselves? May be only he can answer this!

Some of my class mates took an year off cause they felt they could do well in it but due to certain personal reasons they couldn’t. from which again some backed off and tried to satisfy themselves with their 1st attempt marks(may be cause of EXTERNAL PRESSURE). One of those some who attempted 2nd time couldn’t do well! And here his hell initiated! Even after 2 years of studies how come you get such a score? Don’t you think you wasted your father’s hard work? What are you going to do now? All this made even a strong heart weak! It lead no where but a suicide attempt. Suicide or GANG MURDER? Mental harassment.

There are very few who stand back and face the world. It’s not that they don’t care what the world will say! It’s just that they used it in the right place to ignite themselves! Just like my best friend who made me sit and write this complete article.

Frankly she has a weak heart! You don’t even need words just your harsh tone is enough to make her cry! She always wanted to be a doctor! Her complete inspiration was her elder sister. She had grown up in an environment of biology completely! A girl for whom math’s was always nightmare can you believe she had to take up engineering just cause of low grades? Nothing much different again took place! She again had those low grades! Her class 10th 96% haunted her to buck up! Things turn worst when uncles and aunties press your wounds. But those were actually fames of her torch! She stood up back and got things done her way. And as I say her patience is awarded today she is in one of the top colleges doing her degree in microbiology! And math’s no more haunts her!
Career the carrier! It’s always in your hands, you choice whether you want a pricky uncomfortable seat or a soft sofa like comfortable seat